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The True Backrooms Wiki
The True Backrooms Wiki
The True Backrooms Wiki
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Petrichor is the 10th mainline stage in The True Backrooms: Renovated.

SPRINTING flashlight (1)

Spawning in, the player is greeted with the familiar Delay and Disquiet tunnels. Moving forwards and heading upstairs leads us to a grassy courtyard area with an altitudinous perimeter of apartment buildings. Bushy trees adorn the edges of the courtyard, along with a bench under a tree, to the left of the staircase.

The player is able to enter a shed at the base of one of the apartment buildings. Stepping into the black void will teleport the player to a completely different location seamlessly. A stony tunnel lit up with orange overhead lights leads the player to a ladder, in which one can find themselves in a rotated version of the same courtyard previously. You are now walking on the walls of one of the buildings.

The rain hurls forward into your face instead of falling downwards. Walking "up", you'll find a lone bench with a key, staring off into the void of other floating buildings rotated in various directions.

Returning back to the original courtyard, the player may now unlock the gate and exit the stage.


You can join this stage through the Stage Select menu if you've previously discovered it, or if you bought it through the Unlock All Stages gamepass.


Retrieve the key, then open the exit gate. Walk into the fire exit to be teleported to Petrichor.


Navigate to a door with a keypad. There is a chance the code 8973534 will appear with white text instead of red when walking around the stage. This code can be used to unlock the door in order to exit. Head up the stairs. Walking onto the dirt path will trigger a gigantic moon to rise. Afterwards, the screen will fade to black, then the player will be teleported to Petrichor.


Nobody Is Around To Help[]

Enter the shed and climb up the ladder to retrieve the key. You may walk back, or you may also reset and return to the courtyard. Unlock the gate, walk up the stairs, then touch the neon glowing red part to be teleported to Nobody Is Around To Help.


Tip: Click on the full screen button in the bottom right corner!
Non-Interactive Map Image Version


Main article: Badges

No badges are provided in this stage.


Main article: Entities

There are no entities in this stage.


Main article: Messages

Attempting to open the exit gate without having the key gives this message:

(Locked... there has to be a key somewhere here though.)

Approaching the bench that has the key gives this message:


(I'm getting tired... I'm not sure I can keep going much further...)

(I should get the key and leave)

Picking up the key gives this message:

['Courtyard Key' was added to your items.]

Running out of stamina gives this message:

(Agh... I can't run anymore...)
[You are exhausted]

Restoring stamina gives this message:

[You are no longer exhausted]


  • Petrichor is the largest stage in The True Backrooms: Renovated.
    • Because of this, many players usually receive a very large lagspike when initially loading into the stage.


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